Going No 'Poo

shower scene 4

I have made a decision recently, I'm going no 'poo! I know what you are thinking... didn't you just get your "poo" issues addressed with colonics? Actually going no 'poo has nothing to do with bowel movements. Going no 'poo is becoming shampoo free. Have you guys heard of this recently? The idea behind it has to do with the fact that your scalp can naturally take care of your hair itself but our commercial shampoo and conditioners block it's ability to do so. Most commercial shampoos contain mineral oil, which is a barrier to your scalp, blocking your scalp from producing it's natural oils to care for your hair. This creates a vicious cycle, the more you shampoo, the more you need it.

So what do you use to break the vicious cycle? Baking soda is an amazing product for all sorts of things. I will be using about one tablespoon of baking soda to one cup water in a squeeze bottle to use as a cleanser for my hair. Then I will be using apple cider vinegar as a conditioning agent, some sites suggest rinsing the baking soda out first, others suggest putting the ACV on top of it as it will create a foaming substance. I am going to experiment and see which works best. For the rinse you use one tablespoon of ACV to one cup water. Everything I have read states that the vinegar smell will disappear once your hair is dry. I may add some essential oils just for that good smell shampoo and condition have. I'm going to have some what of a transition period, but I don't think it will be too long. I am not an addicted shampooer, I hate washing my hair too much since it seems to dry it out. I will keep you updated on how the transition period is going.

Really it was my colonics that have motivated me to change my cleaning products. My ND would name all the chemicals we were rinsing out of my body through colonics... so why would I want to be putting them back in? Our next task is keeping our hot tub clean naturally without chemicals.


Unknown said...

Here is my first update! I realized I had all of the ingredients already in my pantry... so I washed my hair as described above. I think I prefer the ACV rinse by itself, rinsing out the baking soda first before applying it. The biggest difference was no silky soft feeling that commercial conditioner gives you. But once I blow dryed my hair is silky and shiny and beautiful! Hooray!

Anonymous said...

This is incredible! I am happy that you have put the update as well since I was hoping to have you be my guinea pig! But then again, what did we use before all the shampoos and hair products came out? It amazes me what the world can show us to make us believe that we can no longer live without their parade of products. Simplicity really is the key. It is also healthier and much cheaper too!
Thanks again!


Unknown said...

Glad you liked it!! Alot of my friends said they have hair issues so there is no way they could live without their Aussie, Pantene... etc. They have definitely been hooked by big the big business fishing reel!
I took a shower again this morning... and while in the process of washing my hair it is terrifying. There are no happy bubbles or lovely soapy (chemical) smells. But when I get out and blow dry all is well again. My husband was very skeptical of the vinegar. So his first reaction was to sniff my hair, no vinegar smell!! I am interested to see what my hair is like in two weeks or so!

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